Baby Olson
Friday, December 15, 2006
Grandpa and Grandma O

Here's Shane with his Grandma and Grandpa O. Poor Grandpa had to wait a whole week to see his new grandson as he had to hit the road the morning of the day I went into labor. His Grandma was able to be there when Shane was born - nothing like sitting in a hospital for over 5 hours - now that's LOVE!
MawMaw T and Shane

Here's Shane and his MawMaw. His MawMaw got to spend the whole week with us helping me learn how to take care of the little guy and she even cleaned my house! She even made a little money - she found a $5.00 bill under my stove - which Chris promptly stole, but I think that was justified since we caught her sleeping on the job! I don't know how I would have made it through that first week without her - and as any of you know me and mom - it was a cry fest when it came time to say goodbye. She wanted to kidnap Shane, but I wanted to kidnap her and Tonie and make them stay!
Me and My Aunties & Uncles

Here's Shane with his Aunt Kelly and Uncle Scott, Aunt Maggie and Aunt Tonie and his Uncle Josh . Since Maggie lives all the way out in Seattle, Washington, we got on the Web Cam to say "Hi" to each other for the first time! Then his Auntie Tonie and Uncle Josh came up for the weekend for a visit and some baby duty!
Tuesday, December 12, 2006
Introducing....Shane Thomas Olson

Our baby boy made his debut at 5:30 AM on 12/4/06. Shane Thomas Olson weighed in at 7 lbs and 1.5 oz and was 20.5 in long! He is doing wonderful and had his first doctor visit on Monday. Everything went pretty well and Chris and I are extremely happy with our new addition. Here's a few pics of the little guy!