Monday, September 25, 2006

Here's a few shots of the baby's room - a work in progress. Baby's WONDERFUL MawMaw and PawPaw came and painted it for us this weekend. We're doing green and yellow with dragonflies and froggies. Hopefully in the next few weeks I can start stenciling...and look for different carpet! We were hoping the lovely pink carpet wouldn't be too noticeable - but it is, so we're going to have to see what we can do about that! I'll add more pics as we progress! 10 more weeks and this little guys going to making his debut!! Yikes!!

Hello All! We had our 2nd ultrasound today! Me, Chris, and MawMaw and PawPaw all went to the Technical College in Wausau and got a freebie - so I thought I'd share the pic! The pic is kinda grainey, but if you look really close you can make out the details. His head is in the upper right hand corner. You can see one of his eyes (the other one is shadowed) and then his nose, and his thumb is in his mouth and you can see his little fingers in front of his face. Just like the first ultrasound he was being a bit of stinker during this one! He was wiggling quite a bit and crossing his arms in front of his face. He did give us a wave and stuck his fist up. He also gave us the #1 sign with his finger...and no he didn't flip us off - he did it with his pointer finger! He's already taking after his big cousin Landon and sticking his whole fist in his mouth as well. It was a lot of fun to get to see him again, and yes it is definately a BOY - but we'll not be posting that picture!! And Scott - this is a very close, close up - so no comments about the size of his head! ha ha!

Friday, September 01, 2006

Here's me and baby at the beginning of month 7!

Here's me and baby boy at the beginning of month 6

Chris and I thought we'd start a blog as our pregnancy progresses for those of you far away, and also for those of you near and dear! We've got 3 months till D-Day (delivery day!) All your prayers and best wishes are appreciated as we approach parenthood - then booze and beer will probably be more appreciated after - just kidding! Here's our baby boy's first ever photo!